Community Indicator Systems Training Workshop
IISD is convening a training workshop to build the capacity of communities to develop and use Community Indicator Systems to track progress on local priority issues in the context of the global Sustainable Development Goals.
IISD is convening a training workshop to build the capacity of communities to develop and use Community Indicator Systems to track progress on local priority issues in the context of the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Community Indicator Systems (CIS) are online platforms that provide community members with easy access to indicator data measuring the status and trends of issues that matter to the community. IISD has developed an easy-to-use, open source web-based tool allowing municipalities, community foundations or other host organizations to easily upload and visualize indicator data from different sources. Indicator data can be displayed using easily understandable maps, graphs and charts through a public website. CIS platforms empower citizens to understand how projects and actions affect their communities’ wellbeing, to set their own targets and to track progress towards these targets. CIS platforms also allow communities to evaluate progress in their communities against the SDGs and see how community action contributes to achieving global goals and targets.
The aim of the workshop is to present the tool to members of the partnering communities and provide hands on training. Participants will also discuss how to develop a communications and engagement strategy centered around the tool and how to update and maintain the tool in the long run.
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