COP 29 | Accelerating Progress on National Adaptation: Leveraging NAP processes for NDC enhancement
This COP 29 side event will highlight significant milestones achieved in national adaptation planning globally, and the opportunity to reflect this progress—alongside gaps and needs—in the adaptation chapter of updated nationally determined contributions (NDCs).
Almost all developing countries have a national adaptation plan (NAP) process underway. This event will highlight significant milestones achieved in national adaptation planning globally, and the opportunity to reflect this progress—alongside gaps and needs—in the adaptation chapter of updated nationally determined contributions (NDCs).
This event will
- profile stories of progress on adaptation planning, implementation, and monitoring, evaluation, and learning;
- share how countries are navigating the transition from planning to implementation of adaptation priorities articulated in NAPs and NDCs, including mobilizing finance;
- enhance overall understanding of the relationship between the NAP and the adaptation components of the NDC as well as opportunities and benefits of linking related adaptation planning processes;
- highlight country support needs on adaptation planning.
This event will be held at the NDC Partnership Pavilion.
Get the full list of NAP Global Network events at COP 29 here.
Upcoming events
Building Bridges: The State of Nature-Based Investments
Join us for a panel at the Building Bridges conference in Geneva, Switzerland, to discuss the state-of-play of nature-based investments and the potential opportunities they present.
Paving the Way for Debt Relief: Strategic Collaboration Between the G20 Presidency and the FfD4
A webinar looking at current global debt relief initiatives and exploring new strategies to address the financing needs of developing countries