Fisheries Subsidies: Building legal coherence
Reflecting on key issues in the WTO fisheries subsidies negotiations, experts will discuss potential approaches consistent with existing international laws.
The International Institute for Sustainable Development announces a second side event in support of WTO fisheries negotiations, titled Fisheries Subsidies: Building Legal Coherence.
This seminar will give delegations an opportunity to reflect on key issues in the negotiations with the benefit of input from experts in an informal and non-negotiating setting.
The seminar will explore how WTO disciplines could be crafted to ensure coherence with relevant existing international law frameworks. Discussion will cover issues such as the role of Paragraph 3 of the IPOA-IUU in the new disciplines and the standard of scientific evidence that might be required of decisions referred to in the disciplines.
Lunch Seminar – 25 March 2019
Room D, World Trade Organization
Rue de Lausanne 154, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
Attendance is by invitation only. Please email Eleonora Bonaccorsi to express interest.
13:00 – 13:30 Light lunch available outside Room D
13:30 - 13:40 Opening Remarks by Alice Tipping - Lead, Fisheries Subsidies, IISD
13:40 - 14:20 Presentations
Adelaida Rey Aneiros – International Fisheries Policy and Law Expert, FAO
Rambod Behboodi – Partner, King & Spalding
14:20 - 15:00 Open discussion moderated by Alice Tipping