Manitoba Prairie Lakes: Mass balance budget for nutrient management at Pelican Lake, Manitoba
On November 15, 2017 at the University of Winnipeg, IISD-ELA's Dr .Hisham Osman will present on Manitoba Prairie Lakes: Mass balance budget for nutrient management at Pelican Lake, Manitoba.
Wednesday, November 15
12:30 - 1:20 p.m.
5L24 Lockhart Hall, University of Winnipeg
Dr. Hisham Osman conducts scientic research on a wide range of water resources issues, such as the impact of climate change on freshwater systems, watershed dynamics, integrated watershed management, and relevant policies. He has over eight years of experience in the fields of hydrology, hydraulics, water resources management, and mathematical modelling.
Hisham specializes in water resources management, and developing and applying modelling tools for hydrological and hydraulics assessments.
Hisham has been involved in a wide range of technical and research projects on water and agriculture in Canada, Africa (Sudan, Nigeria, and Mauritania), Europe (United Kingdom and Ireland) and Pakistan.