Mine Closure Readiness: Are governments and industry prepared?
Mine closure is a complex, multidisciplinary undertaking requiring several years of planning and a coordinated effort from government and industry stakeholders, ideally beginning at the earliest stages of mine planning.
For mining to be truly sustainable, the sector must provide the valuable minerals and metals needed by society and transition to a low-carbon economy without compromising the integrity of the environment or the well-being of local communities. Well-planned and executed mine closure is essential in achieving this desired outcome. While there are only a few global examples where mines have been relinquished, both government and industry are making progress to be better prepared to manage mine closure throughout the mining life cycle.
On Wednesday, March 2, we hosted a webinar presenting recent work on mine closure from the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF) and the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM). Presenters shared assessments on the status and profile of mine closure in industry, as well as how prepared governments are for the significant number of mine closures that are expected in the coming years. The event also outlined the ICMM’s and IGF’s activities to support their industry and government members and presented the recommended steps they can take to be mine closure ready. Panellists also took questions from attendees.
Opening Remarks
• Greg Radford, Director, IGF
• Dawn Brock, Senior Manager, ICMM
• Rob Stevens, Consultant, IGF
Visit the IGF Website to view the recording and presentations