NAP Global Network at NAP Expo 2019
NAP Expo is a global forum organized by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to promote peer learning and foster exchanges among stakeholders in order to advance the National Adaptation Planning (NAP) process.
NAP Expo 2019 took place from April 8 to 12 in Songdo, Republic of Korea. NAP Expo is a global forum organized by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to promote peer learning and foster exchanges among stakeholders in order to advance the National Adaptation Planning (NAP) process.
This was the sixth global NAP Expo since 2013, and it brought together stakeholders from governments, non-governmental organizations, civil society and donors.
The NAP Global Network Secretariat engaged in discussions and made presentations as part of the following sessions. The full NAP Expo program is available on the event website here.
Adaptation and Development: Advancing climate-resilient development through alignment of country efforts under the 2030 Agenda, the Paris Agreement and the Sendai Framework
This session highlighted the convergence of the Paris Agreement, the Sendai Framework and the 2030 Agenda in relation to strengthening resilience, building adaptive capacity, and reducing vulnerability to climate change and disasters. It explored how the alignment of country-level policy processes (e.g., NAP processes, disaster risk reduction strategies, national development plans) under these global agendas can help increase coherence, efficiency and effectiveness to advance climate-resilient development.
Read our latest brief: Alignment to Advance Climate-Resilient Development.
2019 Adaptation Forum by the Adaptation Committee – Engagement of the private sector in NAPs: Challenges and opportunities
The Adaptation Committee convened a workshop in 2018 on fostering the agri-food sector's engagement in resilience to climate change, co-organized with the International Trade Centre. The Adaptation Forum shared the key outcomes of the workshop and facilitated dialogues on challenges and solutions with key actors from diverse perspectives.
This session also included the launch of the NAP Global Network’s new guidance note, Engaging the Private Sector in National Adaptation Planning Processes.
Multistakeholder Participation in NAPs: Experiences and lessons
Involving multiple stakeholders in NAP processes is critical to ensuring that everyone’s resilience is strengthened, especially the most marginalized and vulnerable. This is why formulating and implementing NAPs typically involves three broad sets of stakeholders: 1) actors who are most directly involved in the process of formulation and implementation of NAPs; 2) actors who contribute knowledge, experience, expertise and funds to the process; and 3) actors who directly benefit from or are directly affected by the outcomes of these adaptation efforts. This session featured discussions with representatives from civil society and government who shared best practices, experiences and lessons resulting from their active engagement with stakeholders at all levels of adaptation planning and implementation in selected countries.
To learn more about vertical integration in NAP processes, read our guidance note.
Technical Experts Meeting on Adaptation (TEM-A): Opportunities and best practices for private investment in adaptation
This session discussed the opportunities for private investment in adaptation and the ways for the Private Sector Facility (PSF) to promote such investment, showcased PSF adaptation projects, and provided guidance for support adaptation planning to include the private sector in NAPs and readiness.
Read the Network’s new guidance note, Engaging the Private Sector in National Adaptation Planning Processes.
Conducting NAP-Focused Gender Analyses: Emerging results and lessons learned
In order for countries to undertake gender-responsive NAP processes, there needs to be a more comprehensive and context-specific understanding of gender issues in relation to climate change. Many countries are already making an effort to integrate gender considerations into their NAP processes. However, more needs to be done for consistent and deeper integration of gender issues in climate adaptation planning processes. This session highlighted recent experiences in undertaking gender analysis to inform adaptation planning and action.
Read our report on gender-responsive NAP processes, which analyzes progress on integrating gender considerations in NAP processes. It is based on a review of completed NAP documents available on NAP Central at the end of January 2018, as well as collected through interactions with country NAP teams.
Strategic Communication for NAP Processes
Strategic communications can support the process of formulating and implementing NAPs. By working to ensure that the right messages reach the right audiences through the right communications channels, NAP teams can advance their goals throughout the NAP process, whether their aim is to build high-level support for the NAP, to engage colleagues across ministries, to raise donors’ awareness of their adaptation priorities or to better engage citizens. This session focused on how strategic communications can support the process to formulate and implement NAPs.
Read our overview sNAPshot brief on strategic communications for NAP processes.