Past events

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Showing 121-130 of 741 results

IISD at the WTO Public Forum 2023

IISD will be taking part in various sessions at the WTO’s Public Forum, an annual event that brings together the international trade community to discuss new and emerging trends, including how trade and trade policy can enable a sustainable, inclusive recovery.
Conference September 12, 2023

Roundtable: The GEF’s Future with New Agreements and Emerging Themes

This session at the Seventh GEF Assembly will offer an opportunity for critical stocktaking, both for the future of the GEF with new agreements/landmark decisions and for exploring emerging modalities and innovative approaches to address these emerging themes for the global environment.
Conference August 25, 2023

Accelerating Innovation and Private Investment in Climate Adaptation

Securing financing for climate adaptation projects is key for tackling the effects of climate change. This session at the Seventh GEF Assembly will explore how to accelerate innovation and private investment in climate change adaptation in developing countries.
Conference August 23, 2023

IISD at the Seventh GEF Assembly

IISD will be attending the Seventh GEF Assembly and its program of side events, speaking on the themes of investing in climate adaptation, conversations beyond GDP, mobilizing private sector finance for the climate and biodiversity, and the future of the GEF.
Conference August 21, 2023