Past events

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Showing 331-340 of 741 results

High-level Political Forum 2021 Debrief

IISD’s experts provide a snapshot of the United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 2021’s proceedings amid the pandemic.
Webinar July 16, 2021

Parliamentarian Action #5 | Alternative Approaches to Collateral to Increase Women’s Access to Rural and Agricultural Finance

The fifth virtual dialogue of the Parliamentarians Actions for Gender Equality and Resilient Food Systems in Response to Covid-19 series brought together parliamentarians, financial institutions, and other main stakeholders to discuss the importance of developing alternative approaches for risk sharing and management that can increase women’s access to finance through alternative collateral requirements.
Webinar June 29, 2021

Virtual Workshop for Government Officials Eastern and Southern Africa

The main goals of this virtual training workshop are to help government officials understand the legal and policy risks and potential benefits of different business models in agriculture, with a focus on large-scale agribusiness investments—this is while applying the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS-RAI) to better analyze legal tools used.
Workshop June 28, 2021

Webinar | Greening Aid for Trade and the SDGs

This webinar examined efforts and possibilities for "greening" Aid for Trade, including in the context of the COVID-19 recovery. It featured an introduction to a new joint publication (forthcoming) by IISD and the Forum on Trade, Environment & the SDGs.
Webinar June 24, 2021