Newsroom Media Coverage View IISD's latest media coverage from around the world. Press Media Coverage What's new in sustainable development Recent news coverage about IISD Displaying 501 - 520 of 2015 [Podcast] GigaWhat: What (not) to do in an energy transition India has been racing to meet its ambitious clean energy commitments, post the Paris Agreement in 2015. The ambitions have been backed by strong policy support which in turn has transformed the country’s energy market and pushed India among the top countries in terms of clean energy adoption. IISD in the news Mongabay-India December 28, 2022 Warmer earth means less oxygen, more greenhouse gases for lakes As the earth has warmed, so have its lakes, researchers have found, and the consequences of this could be dire for wildlife in New York State and beyond. IISD in the news The Altamont Enterprise December 27, 2022 Subsidies for renewable energy and EVs more than double: Study Nagpur: India’s subsidies for renewable energy and electric vehicles more than doubled this fiscal, according to a new study by independent think-tank International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). However, it also found that it will be critical for the government to build this momentum over the coming years to reach the country's climate targets. IISD in the news The Times of India December 21, 2022 Canada vows to stop funding overseas oil and gas projects, but billions in support still on the books In November 2021, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau issued a warning about the dangers of climate change at the United Nations’ 26th climate change conference in Glasgow, Scotland. IISD in the news The Financial Post December 21, 2022 EV subsidies in India doubled in FY 2022: IISD report According to a recent study conducted by IISD (International Institute for Sustainable Development) subsidies for renewable energy and EVS in India have more than doubled in FY 2022. India still allocated four times more support to fossil fuels than clean energy, although the gap narrowed significantly since FY 2021 when support was nine times greater. IISD in the news Indo-Asian News Service (IANS) December 21, 2022 Global Action Initiative 2022: Sustainability & role of entrepreneurs The world is grappling with extreme poverty, inequality, injustice and climate change. In that context, the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals have assumed critical importance. IISD in the news CGTN America December 21, 2022 Subsidies for EVs in India increased 160%, reached record high of Rs 2,358 crore in FY22: IISD report A recent study conducted by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) shows that subsidies for renewable energy and electric vehicles have more than doubled in FY22 at Rs 2,358 crore, when compared to FY21. The rise in EV subsidies is being attributed to growing stability in policies, post-COVID economic resurgence and the increased uptake of EVs that has encouraged growing subsidies on such vehicles. IISD in the news The Times of India December 20, 2022 India's subsidies for renewable energy, electric vehicles doubled in FY 22 India's subsidies for renewable energy and electric vehicles more than doubled in FY 2022, but it will be critical for the government to build this momentum over the coming years to reach the country's climate targets, a new study by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) said on Tuesday. IISD in the news Indo-Asian News Service (IANS) December 20, 2022 COP27's failure to address oil and gas extraction risks heating the planet beyond bearable limits Olivier Bois von Kursk, International Institute for Sustainable Development explores how COP27 was a missed opportunity in the fight to limit emissions driven increases in global average temperatures. IISD in the news SG Voice December 19, 2022 COP15: Biodiversity draft eyes more funds, saving rich areas If agreed to, the non-paper, released on Sunday night (11am Montreal time) by China — which holds the presidency of the 15th Conference of Parties (COP15) to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) — will be a historic moment when the world agrees to conserve global biodiversity by 2030. IISD in the news The Hindustan Times December 19, 2022 Ottawa Playbook: 2022 in 22 numbers This week, we take stock of the whirlwind that was 2022. Today we present the year in numbers. Plus, we do the math on which lobbyists registered the most meetings. Also, an excerpt from the farewell speech Jim Carr had hoped to deliver in Parliament. IISD in the news Politico December 19, 2022 Oil Set to Become as Obsolete as Landlines, Experts Warn With all signs pointing to a clean energy "juggernaut" that will leave slow adopters in the dust, Canada needs to plan for a drastic drop in oil demand, say experts from the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). IISD in the news The Energy Mix December 18, 2022 What is the role of governments in biodiversity protection? President and CEO of The International Institute for Sustainable Development, Richard Florizone was a keynote speaker on our special program: Global Action Initiative 2022 on Sustainability. IISD in the news CGTN America December 16, 2022 COP 15 : les Autochtones veulent être entendus Les peuples autochtones présents à la 15e réunion de la Conférence des parties (COP 15) exigent de ne plus être ignorés au chapitre de la préservation de la biodiversité. « Les gouvernements doivent comprendre qu’aucune décision ne peut être prise sans inclure les peuples autochtones et les communautés locales dans les discussions », a plaidé Lucy Mulenkei, de l’organisation Indigenous Information Network, représentant le peuple maasaii du Kenya lors d’une conférence à la COP 15 de Montréal. IISD in the news Québec Science December 16, 2022 Govt pauses new oil and gas exploration In a continuation of the Government's staged phase-out of fossil fuel exploration in New Zealand, Energy Minister Megan Woods will pause the issuance of any new oil and gas permits until after next year's election. IISD in the news Newsroom December 15, 2022 Vietnam Nets $15.5B for Just Transition Off Coal Vietnam will receive US$15.5 billion to help it shift from coal to clean energy under a new Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) with the G7, Norway, and Denmark. IISD in the news The Energy Mix December 15, 2022 Cop15 biodiversité : l'argent arrive, mais trop de milliards détruisent encore la nature (in French) En dix ans, les pays riches ont doublé leurs aides à la protection de la nature. Une bonne nouvelle ? Oui, mais dans le même temps, des sommes colossales sont investis dans des activités destructrices pour la planète. IISD in the news Ouest-France December 14, 2022 New "Fish Forward" Partnership Supports Sustainable, Eco-Certified Fishing in Manitoba "Fish Forward" was launched at SMITH Restaurant by provincial, national and international organizations who are working together to ensure that Manitoba lakes are sustainably fished, Manitoba fisheries are safeguarded for future generations, and Manitoba businesses are serving local fish that comes from increasingly sustainable sources. IISD in the news December 14, 2022 If Europe's carbon tariff works, consumers might not even notice it Climate policy is redrawing the blueprint of global trade, putting up new walls between the markets for high-carbon and low-carbon manufactured goods. IISD in the news Quartz December 14, 2022 Biodiversité: les subventions pour la destruction de la nature Des centaines de millions de dollars de plus sont nécessaires chaque année pour renverser les pertes de biodiversité —restaurer les forêts et les terres humides, établir des zones protégées, mettre en place une agriculture plus durable. Mais ce n’est pas seulement une question d’investissements dans la protection de la biodiversité. Les gouvernements doivent aussi cesser de subventionner sa destruction. IISD in the news Agence Science-Presse December 12, 2022 Pagination « First ‹ Previous … Page 24 Page 25 Current page 26 Page 27 Page 28 … Next › Last »