Newsroom Media Coverage View IISD's latest media coverage from around the world. Press Media Coverage What's new in sustainable development Recent news coverage about IISD Displaying 1281 - 1300 of 2015 Help Canada’s workers now—but don’t lock us into a high-carbon future Times of high unemployment and low interest rates are the right time for new, low-carbon investments and infrastructure. IISD in the news The Hill Times March 25, 2020 Who are the 2,000 people that are afraid to get tested for COVID-19? One metre, that is the standard set by the WHO for social distancing. Yet there are people who live in dilapidated squalors, crammed together in dirty rooms with people lying together like sardines in a can. IISD in the news MSN March 22, 2020 The rules of foreign policy are changing The world’s nations must come together to deal with global climate problems, or face heavy costs to their own national security. IISD in the news Policy Forum March 17, 2020 Canada needs an inclusive approach to climate action The impacts of climate change will affect nearly all people across Canada, but to different extents and in different ways; we must remember this as we plan and implement adaptation actions. IISD in the news The Hill Times March 11, 2020 Green action pathway revealed: Toolkit to help Manitoba businesses bolster climate-change readiness Not so long ago, the Manitoba Chamber of Commerce surveyed members on all sorts of things and found more than 50 per cent said climate change was a concern for their business. They also learned that about 75 per cent did not have a formal climate action plan in place. IISD in the news Winnipeg Free Press March 11, 2020 Oil Crash Sends New Shock Through World Crippled by Virus Lower oil prices could allow governments to cut subsidies and increase taxes on fossil-fuel consumption and use revenues to invest in renewable projects, said Ivetta Gerasimchuk at IISD. IISD in the news Bloomberg March 9, 2020 The social and environmental costs of mining for green energy The transition to so-called green energy has the potential to be anything but green, according to Clare Church, a researcher with the International Institute for Sustainable Development. IISD in the news CBC March 9, 2020 Oil Crash Sends New Shock Through World Crippled by Virus Lower oil prices could allow governments to cut subsidies and increase taxes on fossil-fuel consumption and use revenues to invest in renewable projects, said Ivetta Gerasimchuk at the International Institute for Sustainable Development. IISD in the news Bloomberg March 9, 2020 Flood waters leave farmers with nowhere to go Flooding at Whitewater Lake paints a bleak picture of how poor conservation practices can leave the next generation holding the bag when the weather changes. IISD in the news Manitoba Co-operator March 9, 2020 Why it's time to end corporate welfare for Canada's fossil fuel industry Eliminating fossil fuel subsidies would obviously help Canada achieve its emissions-reduction targets. What's less obvious is how these subsidies undermine our economy, add to the tax burden, and hinder innovation. IISD in the news CBC March 4, 2020 AquaHacking tackles Lake Winnipeg problems University students on the Prairies have a chance at winning a big prize for solving Lake Winnipeg’s woes. IISD in the news Brandon Sun February 29, 2020 Lake-Killing Phosphate: Canada Banned It, Indian Detergents Still Use 2.88 Tons/Yr! Foaming lakes & polluted water have as much to do with industrial effluents as with the phosphate in our detergent. It’s high time we rethink our cleaning choices. IISD in the news The Better India February 27, 2020 Elizabeth Warren wants to ban mining on public lands — with one exception Most of the Democratic presidential candidates have made their views toward public lands quite clear: Extractive industries, like drilling and mining, don’t have a future there. IISD in the news Grist February 26, 2020 The U.S. Could Run Out of Metals That Are Crucial to Tech Technology has made us dependent on an alphabet soup of rare minerals sourced from the far corners of the planet. But there’s no guarantee that we’ll always have reliable supplies of these crucial resources. IISD in the news OneZero February 22, 2020 Manitoba seeks help with zebra mussels The Pallister government pushed the federal government to beef up boat inspections at the U.S. border, as zebra mussels wreaked havoc on Manitoba. IISD in the news Winnipeg Free Press February 19, 2020 Fast fashion, creative recycling: Winnipeg charities try to keep clothes out of landfill In the age of fast fashion, Canadians are throwing away more clothing than ever — but some Winnipeg groups are working to change that. IISD in the news CBC February 13, 2020 Room to GROW Monitoring and evaluation of conservation projects, like those funded under the GROW Trust, have typically been underdeveloped, experts say. IISD in the news Manitoba Co-operator January 29, 2020 Lake research video translated into Ojibway to help promote language as well as science An environmental science video has been translated to Ojibway and the creators are hoping it sparks youth interest in science and language revitalization. IISD in the news CBC January 27, 2020 The 8-month hackathon aimed at finding solutions for Lake Winnipeg's water issues With Lake Winnipeg facing environmental deterioration, a start-up competition is turning to the tech sector to help find solutions to the issues plaguing the lake. IISD in the news CTV Winnipeg January 24, 2020 Weed in the Water: How does cannabis use affect our freshwater ecosystems? Canada’s recent legalization of recreational cannabis is the impetus behind a unique research project launched last fall to understand its potential impact on freshwater plants and animals. IISD in the news Great Lakes Now January 23, 2020 Pagination « First ‹ Previous … Page 63 Page 64 Current page 65 Page 66 Page 67 … Next › Last »