Newsroom Media Coverage View IISD's latest media coverage from around the world. Press Media Coverage What's new in sustainable development Recent news coverage about IISD Displaying 1341 - 1360 of 2015 Gabon : des cadres à l’école de la négociation de traités et d’accords internationaux d’investissement Pour faciliter l’élaboration d’une stratégie globale des accords de promotion des investissements et sauvegarder les intérêts du pays, le gouvernement gabonais a entrepris de mettre ses cadres à l’école de la négociation des traités et accords d’investissements. IISD in the news Agence Ecofin July 25, 2019 Fuel Subsidies 3 Times Higher Than e-Vehicle Budget: Report India's subsidies to petrol and diesel between October 2018 and June 2019 amounted to almost three times the three-year government budget for electric vehicle (EV) support, a new study revealed on Thursday. IISD in the news Business Television India July 25, 2019 Is EU-akkoord Bolsonaro-bestendig? Het handelsakkoord tussen EU en Mercosur bindt Brazilië aan de klimaatafspraken van ‘Parijs’. Maar in de praktijk heeft president Bolsonaro lak aan milieuzorg. IISD in the news NRC Handelsblad July 22, 2019 10 boats entering B.C. since April found with invasive mussels The Okanagan Water Board is renewing its call to the province to implement stronger inspection programs for boats coming into B.C., after discovering that between April 1 and July 5, there were 10 vessels intercepted carrying invasive zebra mussels. IISD in the news CBC July 18, 2019 Think Tank Awards 2019—the winners! In a fractious new world, think tanks are more important than ever. But who is producing the best research? We announced our winners in parliament's Churchill Room on 17th July. IISD in the news Prospect Magazine July 18, 2019 Researchers to measure microplastics in pristine northwestern Ontario lakes Scientists expect to find microplastics in lakes humans barely touch — they just don't know how much or how it winds up so far away from people and industrial activity. IISD in the news CBC July 12, 2019 ‘Not For the Faint-Hearted’: The Struggles of Women in Zimbabwe’s Mining Industry Female miners seek equal opportunity in Zimbabwe’s male-dominated mining industry, but several cultural and financial obstacles stand in their way. IISD in the news The Zimbabwean July 8, 2019 Ottawa earmarks $2.2M to help fight Lake Winnipeg algae blooms The federal Liberals are unveiling a slew of measures aimed at cutting down on Lake Winnipeg’s algae blooms, the Free Press has learned, as cabin — and election — season gets underway. IISD in the news Winnipeg Free Press July 4, 2019 HOW REMOTE LAKES COULD HELP UNRAVEL THE MYSTERIES OF MICROPLASTIC We have little data on how microplastic might be affecting the animals exposed to it, and we certainly don’t know how the stuff could be affecting whole ecosystems. A system of small, isolated lakes in Canada, though, could help unravel those mysteries. IISD in the news Wired July 1, 2019 G20 countries triple coal power subsidies despite climate crisis G20 countries have almost tripled the subsidies they give to coal-fired power plants in recent years, despite the urgent need to cut the carbon emissions driving the climate crisis. IISD in the news The Guardian June 25, 2019 Trump prepares to roll back limits on mercury emissions It is incumbent upon our government to pressure the Trump administration to reconsider changes to U.S. EPA regulations on mercury. IISD in the news National Observer June 7, 2019 La mejor amiga del diamante En un negocio donde la gran mayoría de los consumidores finales son mujeres, las mujeres en el sector de los diamantes están muy poco representadas, no solo en los niveles de ejecutivos y empleados, sino también en la forma en que tradicionalmente se ha comercializado el producto. IISD in the news Gold and Time June 7, 2019 EPA deepens media knowledge on Climate Adaptation plan framework The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in partnership with the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) has developed the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Framework that will guide and advance Ghana in its climate change adaptation measures. IISD in the news Ghana Web June 7, 2019 We Must do More to Speed up Ending Fossil Fuel Subsidies Fossil fuels—oil, gas, coal and their derivatives—pollute the atmosphere and emit the greenhouse gases that are ramping up global heating to dangerous levels. But did you know that governments around the world are subsidizing this pollution? IISD in the news Inter Press Service June 5, 2019 The Climate Change Risk to Our Banks The Bank of Canada turned heads this month when, in its annual financial system review, it included climate change as a risk to financial institutions. What will this mean for banks and for Canada's corporate sector? IISD in the news TVO May 28, 2019 Province provides funds for Experimental Lakes Area The Ontario provincial government will be providing $2 million in funding for ongoing research at the International Institute for Sustainable Development-Experimental Lakes Area (IISD-ELA). IISD in the news Kenora Miner & News May 22, 2019 Climate change threatens 'both the economy and the financial system,' says Bank of Canada For the first time ever, the Bank of Canada has released a report examining the threat climate change poses to the country's financial system. IISD in the news CBC May 16, 2019 Caribbean has stake in UNCITRAL Investor-State Dispute Settlement reform Caribbean States must make their voices heard in the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) reform discussions currently underway in the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). IISD in the news St. Lucia News Online May 16, 2019 Repair rift continues among Basel stakeholders Final adoption of key international guidelines for e-scrap exports was once again punted as debate drags on over the definition of “repairable” devices. IISD in the news E-Scrap News May 16, 2019 PÊCHE ILLICITE EN AFRIQUE : Une perte annuelle de 10 millions de tonnes de poissons La pêche illicite, communément appelée pêche Inn, fait perdre à l’Afrique 10 millions de tonnes de poissons par an, selon des statistiques publiées, hier, à Dakar, à l’occasion d’un atelier régional d’échanges sur les conséquences des subventions allouées au secteur. IISD in the news Le Soleil (Senegal) May 15, 2019 Pagination « First ‹ Previous … Page 66 Page 67 Current page 68 Page 69 Page 70 … Next › Last »