Newsroom Media Coverage View IISD's latest media coverage from around the world. Press Media Coverage What's new in sustainable development Recent news coverage about IISD Displaying 1641 - 1660 of 2015 3 Reasons Why Keystone XL Pipeline May Never Get Built "The economic case is not there for the three pipelines," said Amin Asadollahi, lead on climate change mitigation for North America at the International Institute for Sustainable Development. "And should the massive expansion happen, I don't think the financial benefits for the sector … would be there." IISD in the news EcoWatch March 15, 2017 Where oil and water mix "Soutar’s new play examines the crucial topic of water stewardship in a world where access to fresh water is becoming more vital as climate patterns are radically changing. Taking as its centrepiece the battle that occurred when the Harper government shut down Ontario’s Experimental Lakes Area in 2013, it’s a challenging topic." IISD in the news Winnipeg Free Press March 13, 2017 Letters: March 11, 2017 Want cleaner air "We are being asked to help construct a uniquely Manitoban response to climate change that will benefit our environment and our pockets." IISD in the news Winnipeg Sun March 11, 2017 Are Your Sperm in Trouble? "Perhaps even more alarming, Canadian scientists conducted a seven-year experiment on a lake in Ontario, adding endocrine disrupting chemicals and then observing the impact on fathead minnows." IISD in the news The New York Times March 11, 2017 The problems with Michael Chong’s carbon pricing plan "A 2015 report from the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) estimates these tax expenditures, available exclusively to Canada’s mining, oil and natural gas sectors, cost the federal government approximately $1.1 billion in foregone revenue each year." IISD in the news Macleans March 10, 2017 Wasting methane can break carbon budget "Phasing out methane is a low-hanging fruit with tremendous environmental benefits and profitable outcomes for those who take part in the solutions. To end this wasteful practice should be a no brainer, even for those living in a world of alternative facts." IISD in the news Lethbridge Herald March 9, 2017 Education that transforms the economy and labour force "There is a similar message in a recent report by the Winnipeg-based international think tank, the International Institute for Sustainable Development, that deals with the disparity in growth-producing investments. It suggests this country is over-invested in natural resources and concludes: "Canada must grow its human capital. Better education and training are key here."" IISD in the news Winnipeg Free Press March 6, 2017 Provincial campaign targets invasive species "As challenging as it is to contain zebra mussels in Lake Winnipeg, the challenges will only increase if they invade other lakes and rivers in our province," said Scott Higgins, research scientist, International Institute for Sustainable Development Experimental Lakes Area. IISD in the news Winnipeg Free Press March 3, 2017 In-house Standard Could Precipitate Race To The Bottom "Jason Potts argues that Cadbury’s transition to an in-house sustainability standard threatens the sustainability of the cocoa sector, will provide fewer benefits for farmers than an international standard and is a rejection of the participatory governance model that Fairtrade and other schemes employ." IISD in the news Coffee and Cocoa International March 1, 2017 Coal phase-out improved Ontario’s air quality "It is undeniable that Ontario has seen pollution reduction and an improvement in air quality since phasing out coal-fired power plants — and that families have felt these health and environmental benefits across Ontario. As Ottawa and the provinces flesh out the details of a nationwide phase-out of coal pollution, we should bear this in mind." IISD in the news Policy Options February 28, 2017 Is there a US diplomacy vacuum at the UN in Geneva? "Other observers, like Mark Halle, senior fellow at the International Institute for Sustainable Development, are not quite so pessimistic. Pointing out that the new administration is still in a transition period, Mr Halle hopes to see a "backdown when people see the consequences of the fiery declarations he (President Trump) has made"" IISD in the news BBC February 27, 2017 Coal country mourns job losses, town heroes "One cause is automation. Plus-size bulldozers and cutting machines have long replaced humans with axes and shovels in the mines. And more technology is coming: 40 percent to 80 percent of today's jobs are at risk of being replaced by things like robots and self-driving trucks, according to a report from the International Institute for Sustainable Development in Winnipeg, Manitoba." IISD in the news WVTF Radio February 23, 2017 Water woes IISD-ELA executive director Matthew McCandless writes to the editor of the Globe and Mail to explain why, when looking to ensure First Nations' access to water, we must consider waste water treatment. IISD in the news The Globe and Mail February 23, 2017 Mining automation and shared value – thinking through the new conundrum "Transformations in mining techniques have the potential to change the way mining companies maintain their social licence to operate," argue Aaron Cosbey and Howard Mann. IISD in the news The AusIMM Bulletin February 22, 2017 Man-made wetlands can solve flooding, drought problems "Prairie municipalities preparing for a hotter future, with increasing spring floods and summer drought, need to invest in “green infrastructure” the head of Winnipeg’s Prairie Climate Centre says." IISD in the news Saskatoon Star Phoenix February 21, 2017 G20 : des investisseurs et assureurs majeurs rejoignent l'appel pour la fin des subventions à la production de combustibles fossiles (French-language article) "Une étude diffusée plus tôt ce mois-ci par la Global Subsidies Initiative (GSI ou Initiative sur les subventions mondiales) ... rapporte que la suppression des subventions à la production de combustibles fossiles équivaudrait à éliminer toutes les émissions du secteur international de l'aviation." IISD in the news Les Smart Grids February 19, 2017 Report: Killing ‘Zombie Energy’ Would Keep More Fossil Fuels Buried “It’s no secret that coal, oil and gas companies are extracting fossil fuel from fields that would be uneconomical without government support – what we call ‘zombie energy’,” says Ivetta Gerasimchuk, lead author of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) report. IISD in the news Daily Planet February 17, 2017 Investors with $2.8 trillion in assets unite against Donald Trump’s climate change denial "Research launched earlier this week by the Global Subsidies Initiative and the Overseas Development Institute found that ending subsidies for global fossil fuel production would have the same impact as eliminating all aeroplanes from the skies." IISD in the news The Independent February 15, 2017 Mining companies digging into the benefits of mechanised mining Aaron Cosbey talks to CGTN about the impact of mechanization on the mining industry. IISD in the news CGTN Africa February 15, 2017 How Trump may spur Canada to up its game on climate change "But Canada can also send its own clean energy south of the border, added Amin Asadollahi of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). Through regional pacts and state-level alliances, he said Canada may be able to counter some of the effects of Trump's support for pipelines and the emissions-heavy coal industry." IISD in the news National Observer February 7, 2017 Pagination « First ‹ Previous … Page 81 Page 82 Current page 83 Page 84 Page 85 … Next › Last »