Newsroom Media Coverage View IISD's latest media coverage from around the world. Press Media Coverage What's new in sustainable development Recent news coverage about IISD Displaying 1901 - 1920 of 2015 Political turmoil does not affect renewable energy market: specialists "Richard Bridle, a project researcher at the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), said in a session on government assistance, “the subsidies for electricity in the region in one year equal the required investments in renewable energy until 2020.”" IISD in the news The Cairo Post October 14, 2014 Study finds birth control has negative effects on lake ecosystems A recent study at IISD-ELA finds that estrogen found a commonly used birth control pill can have negative effects on fish populations in lakes. IISD in the news Macleans October 12, 2014 Drugs flushed into the environment could be cause of wildlife decline The Guardian takes a look at a special issue of the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, which includes a study conducted at IISD-ELA into the effects of estrogen on fish wildlife populations. IISD in the news The Guardian October 12, 2014 L'oestrogène déstabilise les écosystèmes des lacs French-language article. "Des chercheurs pressent les gouvernements d'améliorer les systèmes de traitement des eaux usées après avoir découvert que la présence de composantes de la pilule contraceptive dans des lacs avait eu pour effet de déstabiliser des écosystèmes." IISD in the news La Presse October 11, 2014 Rising from the ashes: Canada’s Experimental Lakes Area IISD-ELA’s Michael Rennie celebrates the future of the Experimental Lakes Area under IISD’s operation. IISD in the news Science Borealis September 30, 2014 Female entrepreneurs ‘an amazing engine for economic growth’ “Governments award procurement contracts for goods and services to a range of businesses. These contracts can comprise “everything from office supplies to jet fighters to consultants”, according to the International Institute for Sustainable Development.” IISD in the news The Guardian September 29, 2014 Why the political winds are shifting on climate change Dave Sawyer: “But one has to ask why so many world leaders would come together to talk climate change a full year and a half ahead of the Paris conference? There are three important drivers likely underpinning this renewed political interest…” IISD in the news The Globe and Mail September 25, 2014 Canada trails U.S. in coal electricity policy Phil Gass speaks to Business News Network TV about Canadian and US coal policy. IISD in the news Business News Network September 25, 2014 Why governments must lead on climate change IISD senior fellow and associate Simon Zadek writes for the World Economic forum’s blog. IISD in the news World Economic Forum blog September 25, 2014 UN Climate Summit: A 'game-changer' for global warming? "Everybody is absolutely focused on what needs to be done practically, concretely to get an agreement in 2015," [Scott Vaughan] said in an interview with CBC News, referring to the next key climate conference to be held in Paris next year. Earlier in the week, Scott also spoke with CBC about US and Canada coal policy. IISD in the news CBC September 23, 2014 Green Economy Isn’t Rocket Science – And It’s Not Even Costly IPS speaks with Robert Repetto who argues, just before the UN Climate Summit, that “[a]cting on climate change will not hurt domestic economic growth, and in fact is more likely to boost growth.” IISD in the news Inter Press Service September 21, 2014 Gobierno ha rechazado 111 solicitudes mineras “Una evaluación realizada entre enero y abril de este año por el Instituto Internacional para el Desarrollo Sustentable (IIDS) […identificó…] las fortalezas y debilidades de las leyes y políticas mineras dominicanas.” IISD in the news Listin Diario September 15, 2014 Sustainable sugar: Coca-Cola and BP signed up but will it go mainstream? Jason Potts talks Bonsucro and sustainable sugar with The Guardian’s Tim Smedley. IISD in the news The Guardian September 14, 2014 UN Climate Summit must show climate change action is in everyone's interests Ahead of the upcoming UN Climate Summit, IISD’s Simon Zadek and Nick Robins applaud the forthcoming UN SG`s Climate Summit and then highlight the need for it to signal a systemic ambition that leverages but goes beyond the direct interest actions of nations and businesses, highlighting what that would mean for the financial system aspects of the solution equation. IISD in the news The Guardian September 10, 2014 Canada and the U.S.: A tenuous water relationship “On a recent Sunday morning, Yahoo Canada News met with transboundary water expert Dr. David B. Brooks to debunk some common water misconceptions and discuss the relationship between Canada and the United States in terms of water governance.” IISD in the news Yahoo News September 8, 2014 Could Great Lakes Fisheries Be Revived Through Fish Farms? IISD-ELA’s Mike Rennie talks lake trout and fish farming on the US’ National Public Radio. IISD in the news NPR September 7, 2014 Con la participación de todos se lleva a cabo el Taller de Identificación de la Vulnerabilidad Spanish-language article. Reports on a recent workshop conducted in Loreto, Mexico to discuss and demonstrate the latest CRiSTAL Parks tool. IISD in the news El Sudcaliforniano September 3, 2014 Water Front What does IISD’s Dimple Roy think will help improve collaboration between the energy and water communities? IISD in the news World Water Week Daily September 3, 2014 Making room for learning by pushing school out of the way Winnipeg teacher Matt Henderson talks about a recent study trip he and his students took to IISD-ELA. IISD in the news CBC News Manitoba September 1, 2014 Canada’s Economic-Energy Conundrum: EPIC’s Contribution to a National Discussion “For five years, the Energy Policy Institute of Canada gathered expertise and research to help the country’s decision leaders formulate a national energy strategy. Now chair of the International Institute for Sustainable Development, former EPIC president Dan Gagnier sheds light on what EPIC found, how global markets are shifting and what Canada can do to take the lead in energy transformation.” IISD in the news Policy Magazine August 31, 2014 Pagination « First ‹ Previous … Page 94 Page 95 Current page 96 Page 97 Page 98 … Next › Last »