Newsroom Media Coverage View IISD's latest media coverage from around the world. Press Media Coverage What's new in sustainable development Recent news coverage about IISD Displaying 1921 - 1940 of 2015 Making Energy Efficiency Bankable in India Highly readable blog post from Mariana Hug Silva detailing five immediate actions to make energy efficiency in India bankable. IISD in the news Down To Earth Magazine August 27, 2014 'Peggers big givers Latest indicator from the highly successful Peg projects reveals that Winnipeggers’ charitable donations have increased at a faster rate than the national rate for the last ten years. IISD in the news Winnipeg Sun August 27, 2014 Norway has a nest egg. Should we?Is Norway’s nest egg a lesson for Canada? “In 2008 alone, Canada’s federal and provincial governments gave up $2.84 billion through tax breaks to oil companies, the Winnipeg-based International Institute for Sustainable Development reported in 2010.” IISD in the news The Toronto Star August 22, 2014 Green Public Procurement Project launched in Bhutan This short TV spot shows some of the highlights of the launch of the Green Public Procurement in Bhutan project. Oshani Perera is interviewed. IISD in the news Bhutan Broadcasting Service August 20, 2014 EU Holds Trade Talks with a View to Reducing Import Tariffs on Green Goods "Aaron Cosbey of the International Institute for Sustainable Development deplores the lack of criteria for determining which green goods could be added..." IISD in the news HKTDC Research August 14, 2014 $498.2m MCA Cash Not Solution To Dumsor-Nduom IISD board member Dr Papa Kwesi Ndoum argues that the $498.2 million Millennium Challenge Corporation given to Ghana to invest in the energy sector is not the solution to the country's energy crisis. IISD in the news SPY Ghana August 10, 2014 Strengthening ties to Experimental Lakes Area “We are extremely pleased to join The University of Winnipeg team and look forward to building strong ties with the university in a variety of disciplines,” said [Dr. Michael] Paterson. IISD in the news University of Winnipeg website August 6, 2014 OPINION: Toward an Inclusive TPP Trade Pact Senior Fellow Harsha V Singh comments on the implications of the Trans-Pacific Partnership for India and China. IISD in the news Inter Press Service August 5, 2014 New Zealanders fear that China is snapping up their pristine farmland “According to a 2012 study by the International Institute for Sustainable Development, Chinese firms had invested in at least 8.3 million hectares of farmland in developing countries.” IISD in the news Quartz August 5, 2014 Climate governance evolving to make room for new actors This article co-authored by IISD President Scott Vaughan explores the evolving landscape of climate change policy innovation both inside and outside of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process. IISD in the news Climate Action July 31, 2014 The urbanist's guide to Amsterdam Jennifer Lenhart, writer and editor for the Earth Negotiations Bulletin, imparts the joys of one of her favourite sustainable cities, Amsterdam. IISD in the news The Guardian July 28, 2014 Increasing Value for Money in Infrastructure Investment IISD's Oshani Perera and Tilmann Liebert submitted this article to one of the most prestigious and widely read journals in India. IISD in the news ISB Insight July 25, 2014 Energy industry outgrowing policy, practices, experts say "Destructive accidents on pipelines and rails have shaken public confidence in the industry's ability to move product safely and in regulators' ability to keep up with evolving circumstances," Daniel Gagnier, International Institute for Sustainable Development's chairman of the board, said. IISD in the news SNL Financial July 25, 2014 A TPPing Point on Trade? “TPP? TTIP? In the world of trade negotiations, there is no shortage of acronyms. And who better to break them down for us than Harsha Singh, former deputy director general at the World Trade Organization?” IISD in the news Center for Global Development July 20, 2014 Clean trillion dollars needed for 'green' investment An exploration of our Greening China's Financial System report in light of the recent UNEP report that claims an additional "clean trillion" dollars will be needed annually to green the US$ 5 trillion that will be required every year for infrastructure investment globally up until 2030. Simon Zadek is interviewed. IISD in the news July 15, 2014 Is Canada Putting All of Its Eggs in the Oilsands Basket? "You run the risk in developing fossil fuels that one day will either become fully depleted or too expensive to extract," Philip Gass, a policy analyst at the International Institute of Sustainable Development, said from Winnipeg. IISD in the news DeSmog Canada July 11, 2014 Eco-Forum Finances China's Green Transformation "Mark Halle, vice president of the International Institute for Sustainable Development, says getting the corporate world to think long-term about the environment is key as the seeking of short-term results is incompatible with the requirements of sustainable development." IISD in the news China Radio International July 10, 2014 Case grows for subsidy cuts "A study by the Global Subsidies Initiative says scrapping fuel subsidies will result in aggregate increases in GDP." IISD in the news MEED July 9, 2014 IISD gets some big names to sit on the first Experimental Lakes Area Board of Directors A look at the new board for IISD-ELA. IISD in the news Kenora Daily Miner and News July 8, 2014 Ice miscalculation Russian-language article covering the launch of one of our reports on government support to upstream oil & gas in Russia. IISD in the news Kommersant July 7, 2014 Pagination « First ‹ Previous … Page 95 Page 96 Current page 97 Page 98 Page 99 … Next › Last »