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Showing 301-310 of 623 results

In Memory of Maurice Strong (1929-2015)

Winnipeg—November 28, 2015—Maurice F. Strong, a tireless advocate of sustainable development, passed away at age 86. Scott Vaughan, IISD President-CEO; David Runnalls, IISD President (1998-2010); and Arthur Hanson, IISD President (1991-98), issued the following statements. 
Press release November 27, 2015

IISD-ELA Expert Alert: Zebra Mussels

The Province of Manitoba recently announced that monitoring has shown a significant increase in the number of zebra mussels in Lake Winnipeg and the Red River. Significant numbers of zebra mussels have been found recently on boats along beaches and on infrastructure such as swimming buoys, docks and ladders.
Press release October 14, 2015

Finance Sector Reforms are Key to a Greener Economy in China

GENEVA—September 28, 2015—China’s ambitions for a greener economy require broad use of its finance sector to drive the necessary investment, according to leading financial and environmental experts in an IISD report released today.
Press release September 27, 2015

IISD Offers Expertise on the Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are set to be adopted at a United Nations Summit from 25-27 September. The International Institute for Sustainable Development, one of the world’s leading think tanks on sustainable development, has experts available to offer information and perspective on the SDGs. 
Press release September 10, 2015

IISD Refreshes Its Visual Identity

A new IISD visual identity, released over the past few months, is a recognition of the conviction that how we communicate our work is an integral part of our mission.
Press release August 23, 2015