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Showing 361-370 of 623 results

Event to demonstrate local, renewable energy source that also keeps our waterways clean

What if there were a way to reduce the amount of harmful nutrients that enter our urban waterways and eventually Lake Winnipeg, and at the same time create a locally-sourced, renewable, organic source of energy? On Wednesday April 23, 2014, at 9:45 a.m. at the Living Prairie Museum, the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), in partnership with the City of Winnipeg, will be hosting an event to demonstrate how pellets of cattails and grasses, sourced from Winnipeg, can be burned to generate clean energy and also improve the health of our city’s waterways.
Press release April 21, 2014

Innovative tools help communities, development practitioners and government officials build food systems resilient to climate change

As the potentially disastrous effects of climate change become more apparent, the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) has developed two innovative tools to help communities and decision-makers around the world measure and safeguard the resilience  of their food systems in the face of such change and uncertainty.
Press release April 15, 2014

Les possibilités de recherche mondiale s’étendent alors que l’IISD assume l’exploitation des installations renommées constituées par la Région des lacs expérimentaux du Canada

L’Institut international du développement durable (IISD), le gouvernement de l’Ontario et le gouvernement du Canada ont pris part à la signature de trois accords qui garantissent l’exploitation à long terme des installations de recherche de la Région des lacs expérimentaux (ELA). 
Press release March 31, 2014

Canadian climate policy review 2013: Federal government pulls back and provinces work together

Canadian climate policy development stalled in 2013 due to a loss of political will at the federal level to move forward on greenhouse gas (GHG) regulations while the country’s provinces worked independently and in partnerships to pick up the slack. This is according to a new review of Canadian governments’ policies on climate change in 2013, published by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD).
Press release March 24, 2014

Interactive exhibit asks how can you improve the health of one of the world's greatest lakes?

On World Water Day, March 22, 2014, The Manitoba Museum, The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and other partners will launch a permanent, interactive, $1-million-plus exhibit: Lake Winnipeg: Shared Solutions. Shared Solutions uses the example of Lake Winnipeg, but more broadly allows museum visitors to discover answers to the question: What are the social, economic and environmental factors that determine the health of lakes? 
Press release March 18, 2014