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Showing 41-50 of 2407 results

WTO Joint Initiative on E-Commerce State of Play

A finalized legal text of the e-commerce joint statement initiative agreement may be within reach: this report provides an overview of how close the participants are to the finish line and what remains to be agreed on.
Report July 16, 2024

Sustainable Asset Valuation of Reforestation in Uganda

In this integrated cost-benefit analysis, the Nature-Based Infrastructure Global Resource Centre demonstrates the potential of nature-based infrastructure (NBI) to improve climate-related flooding and landslides in Kasese, Uganda, through the Bring Back Our Trees reforestation project.
Report July 8, 2024

The Kenyan Flower Subsector

This case study explores how Kenya's experiences aligning public and private standards in the flower industry can help transform sustainability efforts in agricultural value chains.
Report July 2, 2024

The Indonesia Cooking Diaries Study

This study evaluates the feasibility and implications of switching from cooking with LPG to induction stoves in Indonesian households.
Report June 25, 2024

Watts in Store Part 2

Creating an enabling environment for grid battery deployment in South Africa while maximizing key benefits and minimizing social and environmental risks.
Report June 12, 2024