IISD publishes objective, independent, high-quality research—this includes reports, briefs, guides, and other materials covering sustainable development themes.
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Showing 711-720 of 2431 results
Progressing National SDGs Implementation
The report recognizes emerging good practice and gives recommendations for how countries can both improve their implementation of the SDGs and use the HLPF as an opportunity for peer learning.
Integrating Climate Adaptation in Water Catchment Planning in Uganda
This briefing note provides an overview of the results of a climate risk assessment of water resources in the Ruhezamyenda catchment in Uganda, sets out recommendations on how to incorporate the learning into planning and implementation at the catchment level, and describes lessons for the country’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process.
SADC-IISD Investment Facilitation Workshop
Report of the meeting held August 21–23, 2018 in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Advancing Natural Infrastructure in Canada: A forum report
The Advancing Natural Infrastructure in Canada forum convened Canadian experts to discuss how natural infrastructure can build climate-resilient cities/landscapes. This report highlights forum presentations, discussions, insights and next steps.
Weighing up the Environmental Cooperation Agreement under the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement
Trade agreements can have important environmental effects. We take a look at what’s old, what’s new and what’s
noteworthy in the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement when it comes to the environment.
2018 IGF Annual Report
The IGF 2018 annual report dives into our commitment to making sure mining’s benefits are not just shared but leveraged for sustainable development by our 69 member countries.
sNAPshot: Colombia’s Progress in Developing a National Monitoring and Evaluation System for Climate Change Adaptation
This NAP Global Network sNAPshot describes the development of the National Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system for adaptation in Colombia and shares lessons learned and the next steps in the process.
How Integrated Vulnerability Assessments Support NAP Processes in the Pacific Region
This briefing note highlights the significance of the integrated vulnerability assessment (IVA) framework to the NAP processes underway in three Pacific island states: Kiribati, Tuvalu and the Solomon Islands.
Background Document: Legal Framework of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment in the Mining Sector
This background document identifies the issues and problems related to the legal framework of ESIAs and related plans in the legal framework of mineral resource-rich countries.