IISD publishes objective, independent, high-quality research—this includes reports, briefs, guides, and other materials covering sustainable development themes.
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Showing 761-770 of 2431 results
Credit Enhancement for Sustainable Infrastructure
The paper identifies the demand and supply-side barriers for upscaling credit enhancement solutions for sustainable infrastructure projects.
sNAPshot | Linking sectoral adaptation planning processes at national and subnational levels: Lessons from Senegal
This sNAPshot takes a closer look at Senegal’s approach to vertical integration, the process of linking national and sub-national adaptation planning through the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process.
Tax Incentives in Mining
This practice note looks at tax incentives in the mining sector to help governments design fiscal regimes for the mining industry that raise sufficient revenue, while providing adequate inducement to invest.
Monitoring the Value of Mineral Exports
This practice note aims to increase policy-makers knowledge of the process of determining the value of exported minerals and support informed, risk-based government decisions on how best to monitor the value of mineral exports.
Limiting the Impact of Excessive Interest Deductions on Mining Revenue
This document responds to a concern of many developing countries that multinational enterprises use debt "excessively" in mineral-producing countries as a mechanism to shift profits abroad.
Estimating Employment Effects of the Circular Economy
This note summarizes some of the definitions of the term "circular economy" and the baselines that have been used for projections on job impacts and growth.
Combatting Canada’s Rising Flood Costs: Natural infrastructure is an underutilized option
This report presents ample evidence to suggest that efforts by governments to limit flood risk may be consistent
with – and reinforce – their fiduciary responsibility to administer good governance.
Women in Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining: Interventions for greater participation
This case study highlights how to improve women's participation in artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM), complementing the IGF's previous report, Women in Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining: Challenges and opportunities for greater participation.
Public Cash for Oil and Gas: Mapping federal fiscal support for fossil fuels
This report examines the inventory of federal fossil fuel subsidies in Canada