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Showing 831-840 of 2431 results

Tracking the SDGs in Canadian Cities: SDG 8

IISD’s SDG Indicator Portal tracks SDG progress in 13 cities across Canada. The third brief in this series provides an overview of SDG 8—promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all—across cities in Canada.
Brief January 9, 2018

sNAPshot: Kenya's County Climate Change Funds

This policy brief looks at how five county governments in Kenya have established County Climate Change Funds (CCCFs) that identify, prioritize and finance investments to reduce climate risk and achieve adaptation priorities.
Brief January 4, 2018

Strengthening Gender Considerations in Kiribati’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Process

The purpose of this scoping study is to explore options for strengthening gender considerations in Kiribati’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process with a focus on its NAP document, the Joint Implementation Plan on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management (KJIP), which is expected to be revised in 2018 to reflect the government’s new priorities.
Report December 16, 2017

Effective Public Investments to Improve Food Security

The world has made significant progress in reducing hunger over the past decade. But hunger remains a major challenge. This policy brief identifies the most effective and efficient ways to invest in improving food security.
Brief December 13, 2017