IISD publishes objective, independent, high-quality research—this includes reports, briefs, guides, and other materials covering sustainable development themes.
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Showing 841-850 of 2431 results
The Potential for Carbon Dioxide Equivalent Sequestration in Agro-Manitoba
IISD and the Prairie Climate Centre conducted a high-level quantitative analysis of the sequestration potential of land use practices in Agro-Manitoba that are additional to business as usual.
Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform and the Just Transition: Integrating approaches for complementary outcomes
This paper goes into detail about the various ways in which FFSR can be consistent with just transition. The scale of current fossil fuel subsidies in the world coupled with the massive financial needs for transition are early indicators of the benefits of approaching FFSR with just transition in mind.
sNAPshot: Albania’s Approach to Integrating Adaptation into Domestic Budgeting
Building on an earlier overview brief on domestic public finance options for NAPs, this sNAPshot takes a closer look at how Albania is integrating climate adaptation into its medium-term budget process.
India's Energy Transition: Mapping subsidies to fossil fuels and clean energy in India
This report maps out the context, magnitude, trends and impacts of India’s energy subsidies. It aims to enhance transparency and dialogue on energy choices in India and to help track shifts in government support from fossil fuels to renewables.
Manitoba Bioeconomy Atlas
The Manitoba Bioeconomy Atlas demonstrates the economic and ecological value of common wetland plants as a marketable feedstock for biomass energy—all with the goal of creating a healthier Lake Winnipeg basin and developing a Manitoba bioeconomy.
Tracking the SDGs in Canadian Cities: SDG 3
This briefing note is the second in the series Tracking the SDGs in Canadian Cities which reviews data from 14 Canadian cities found on the IISD-SDG Indicator Portal.
Gender and Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform: An audit of data on energy subsidies, energy use and gender in Indonesia
This study provides an initial investigation into LPG subsidies and their reform and gender in Indonesia by examining the available data on household use of energy and relevant gender issues.
Biodiversity and Infrastructure: A better nexus?
In this brief, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) provide initial policy guidance for parties to consider prior to COP 14 in Egypt on how biodiversity mainstreaming can be reconciled with the infrastructure sector.
Clean Fuel Standard: Summary of stakeholder written comments on the Discussion Paper
The Government of Canada published the Clean Fuel Standard: Discussion Paper to seek stakeholder feedback and received comments from across economic sectors, environmental organizations, academia and the public.
India Energy Subsidy Briefing October 2017
The India Energy Subsidy Briefing covers issues related to energy subsidies. October's edition included topics of petroleum products, a discussion of pricing policy for diesel and petrol, a new electricity subsidy scheme, and price hikes for liquefied petroleum gas and kerosene.