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Showing 861-870 of 2431 results

Assessing the Impacts of Investment Treaties: Overview of the evidence

Investment treaties grant powerful legal rights to foreign investors. Foreign investors’ ability to frame plausible multimillion-dollar claims against a wide range of host government actions—and the fact that these claims are adjudicated through a system of private arbitration—has made investment treaties controversial. This scoping study seeks to provide an overview and assessment of existing evidence of investment treaties’ impacts.
Report September 26, 2017

The Rise of Agricultural Growth Poles in Africa: Investment in Agriculture Policy Brief #6

Africa has seen the emergence of 36 agricultural growth poles and 9 corridors over the past 15 years. They cover at least 3.5 million hectares of land in 23 countries. Ensuring that the new wave of agropoles and growth corridors is effective requires robust policies, laws and practices to ensure that a possible new trend of investment helps Africa achieve the sustainable development goals the continent has set.
Brief September 26, 2017

Cities and Smart Grids in Canada

This report looks specifically at smart grids within the context of grid modernization and urban settings in Canada. 
Report September 20, 2017