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Showing 321-330 of 662 results

Climate at the Crossroads

Despite the federal Liberal government’s avowed commitment to global and Canadian climate action under “Canada is Back”, the PCF was tilled by “the two Stephens”: Harper and Dion.
Insight August 24, 2018

Tourist Trap: Is tourism's explosive growth hurting countries?

Countries are learning hard lessons as global tourism has almost doubled between 2000 and 2017. As the growth of global tourism continues to expand, international tourists arriving in developing countries are projected to grow at double the rate of advanced economies.
Insight July 30, 2018

Voices and Choices: Laudato Si at three years

Voices from around the globe recently came together to celebrate and put into action Laudato Si, Pope Francis's call for dialogue on the radical changes needed to repair our earth.
Insight July 16, 2018